Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In

28.5" waist (1" lost)
37.5" hips (1.5" gained? I think I must have mis-measured last time.)
113 lbs (no change)

Well, I'm off to a dismal start.  I worked out faithfully for the first four days--and then skipped the next six.  And that whole not-eating-sweets thing?  I seem to have forgotten about that one.  I have plenty of excuses: my children have been sick, my baby is on a 6 day (and counting) nursing strike, and I've been struggling with a few demons.  Still, they are only excuses.  Tomorrow is a new day; here's to making it count!

1 comment:

  1. Celebrate each victory! You worked out 4 times, wrote a fantastic depression post, and mothered 2 girl. Definitely commendable :)


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